Dr. Parviz Kavoussi presents his research validating a targeted microsurgical technique for spermatic cord denervation. Testicular pain is a common complaint that affects many men in the United States. When anatomic or pathologic processes cannot be identified, such as infection, masses, or other anatomic sources of pain, surgical treatment may be indicated. Traditionally, microsurgical spermatic cord denervation has been performed by skeletonizing the spermatic cord and taking all nerves in that area. Based on recent data, Dr. Kavoussi changed his technique to a targeted microsurgical spermatic cord denervation, targeting three specific nerve branches, which have been identified as being responsible for chronic testicular pain. Dr. Kavoussi presented his research comparing outcomes in the traditional denervation versus the targeted denervation, with no difference in success rates with resolution of pain or improvement of pain, but with a significantly shorter operative time with the targeted technique. Dr. Kavoussi states, “It was a wonderful opportunity to present our data on this technique at the 2018 American Urological Association (AUA) annual conference which was in San Francisco. It is very appealing to be able to offer a surgical solution to testicular pain with similar results to the traditional technique but with significantly shorter operative times, meaning patients are under anesthesia for much shorter times, and allowing the surgeon to focus on very specific microscopic nerve branches.”